
A Valentine’s Day Love

Happy Valentine’s Day

Life, love, and the pursuit of happiness seemed so much simpler when I was a child:

Will You Be My Valentine? Yes, No, Maybe?

The past week I have been getting the kids ready for their school Valentine’s Day parties. They were so excited to write their names in their cards. Aliah especially, telling me, “I wrote my name perfectly on this one because it is for my twin sister (how she refers to her most very best friend, in her class).  It has brought me back to my childhood: excited for valentine’s day,  exchanging cards, and eating too many of those worded heart shaped candies.

Wishing you a day filled with the love, peace, and soul you deserve. Please accept my hand at poetry:

Usher In A Renaissance Love

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

They played football during Usher’s concert,

Then Beyonce announced Act II.

Testament New Love

Love is an action,

That Corinthians thirteen,

Verb, condition-free .

A Valentine’s Day Love

They say you only have three true loves,

If your lucky, surely that can’t be,

Over my lifetime I have found at least a dozen,

The latest and greatest of all being me.


In search of a Valentine’s Day kind of love:

Perfect, pearl and diamond laced, full on display,

Expecting outside stimuli to fill the heart with contentment,

Work, mom, husband, nor child could convey,


Found myself spinning and drowning,

Could not catch my breath,

 In the eye of the storm where I found the truth,

Agape love inside wouldn’t let me fall to my death,

A rediscovered walk with supreme,

A Valentine’s Day love


is it love? ( a poem by my late father)

is it love? when sometimes you don’t eat?

is it love? when you can’t wait to meet?

is it love? that makes me feel this way?

is it love? from the heart should i say?

is it love? that i feel for you?

is it love? hell yeah, that’s for sure

Wendell “Web” Webster

BTW: Love thy self and Love out loud.


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