After Winter, Must Come Spring – Lauryn Hill

gardening motto

It’s official, Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow; indicating spring is on the way.  My aunt has notified the house of her gardening plans, and is all a buzz in preparation of this year’s garden.  I am still on the fence regarding participation (I do not like playing in the dirt).

garden in bloom

What I do know, between the hike in the price of eggs we all experienced, chicken shortages, contaminated this, recall that; not to mention the food deserts too many are segregated in, it seems almost a necessity to grow/raise your own food if/when you can.

gardening box
My first attempt at gardening: Doing both the most and nothing at all.
Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. – Robert Louis Stevenson

Inspired by my aunt’s gardening success, I first tried out my thumb, with a vegetable and herb garden in 2018.  I was a new mom, I had watched this food documentary,  and subsequently sworn off meat (went vegan for about one year; I have since backslid (don’t tell Mrs. Tabitha Brown)). With my elevated planter , bags of soil, and seeds, I was ready!

Any rational person first starting out may plant in a small container to test their skills.  Not me, no way! Go big or go home (eye roll)……..…..well, what you see is what I got. I learned very quickly, gardening is an art.

raised container garden
2017 Container garden: Aunt Vetta’s first attempt at gardening
The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second-best time is now. -African Proverb

It is already February, so the time to start seedlings and planting is now!  Using a gardening calendar can help to know when to plant specific crop, based on your location and climate.

container harvest
Malabar spinach (green vine)

Once you’ve committed to try your hand at gardening, might I suggest starting with a small garden bed, or this garden box to get your hands dirty.  You can even plant in storage totes , which neatly contain your garden, and are budget friendly.

budding plant
Tabasco peppers

No matter what you choose, take it from me, start small and grow (Message!).

garden tomatoes
Tomatoes on the vine
farm to table vegetables
It’s harvest time
If you are not sure what to plant, start with what you like and grow from there.

After trying and discovering her hand at gardening a few years ago, my aunt has come to find she is quite productive. In past, she has planted the fruits, vegetables, and herbs that the house consumes: bell peppers, green onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, basil, potatoes, okra, peppers, melons, mints, lemon grass, radish, asparagus, spinach.

In spring and summer, the backyard is truly a living/breathing ecosystem with fruits, vegetables, aroma of herbs, bugs, birds, varmints, all enjoying and participating in the gardening process.

garden bug

If you are anything like me, getting over your fear of bugs will be a major challenge, but if I can do it, anybody can do it.

harvest time
It’s harvest time
From Plant to Plate

My thumb has yet to become green, and I will be perfectly honest, (shh!)…. I haven’t come to enjoy gardening (I know). However, I definitely appreciate the patience, art, time, and taste of a truly organic garden.  I love to be able to go outside and clip fresh green onions and pick fresh spinach for our meals. My favorite home garden vegetable treats are a vegetarian lasagna loaded with fresh harvested vegetables or a simple fresh garden salad dressed with  my favorite vinaigrette.

fresh garden salad

I am in a new place and space in my life, and it is my resolution (wink wink), to try my thumb at gardening again this year.  

BTW: We can not harvest what we do not sow. Tend to your own garden, and it will grow.

Thanks to Vetta for sharing photos of her garden from over the years.

BTW: Be sure to subscribe to see how the gardening journey goes this year.

We would love to hear from the gardeners (novice and expert). What are you planting? Share your gardening tips. 

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Banana Nut Blueberry Bread

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