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Brainteasers: What Makes Your House A Home

I was always told, “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.”  So, a fun way my family keeps our brains and minds active around the house, is with brainteasers. 

Whether we are watching Jeopardy, playing the “Guessing Game” (animal edition), or solving the sudoku, rebus, and crossword puzzles my aunt likes to pick up from our favorite thrift store, our family tries to keep our brains active with fun trivia and wordplay.

We were  blessed a  two-sided easel during the pandemic to use for homeschooling.  It now serves as  our family’s learning, gaming, and message center: birthday wishes, games,  goodbyes, reminders, and doodles.

The easel has become a permanent fixture in the house, and is  one of my favorite quirky things that makes our house a home.

My aunt, the resident puzzler and doodler, is a night owl, so I look forward to seeing what she has put on the board come morning. Some riddles I guess right away.  Others I have to let float down the mind’s river and ponder. Either way, I appreciate and enjoy the brain exercise and challenge.

Here are some of my favorite puzzles:

1.upside down brainteaser

2.up to you brainteaser

3. understand brainteaser

4. hang in there brainteasers

5. downhome brainteasers

BTW: Furniture and finishes make a house aesthetically pleasing. But the personal style, quirks, and family personality that tell the story of your family, is what makes a home.

Were you able to solve these brainteasers? Share your riddle or brain teaser? How do you keep the brain active? What makes your house a home?

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Answers: 1. Upside down pineapple cake  2. It's up to you 3. No one understands 4. Hang in there, don't throw in the towel 5. Downhome Southern Living


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