Like many, my day starts before the sun comes up and ends long after it goes down.

There is traffic and travel, work and cleaning, meetings, children, crisis, decisions, ups and downs packed into each 24 hours. This cycle can become overwhelming for any one.  I feel a reset to connect back to yourself is needed before the next day’s experiences pile on you.

I have learned to intentionally take time for myself every single day; I succeed most days. Some find relaxation with a glass of wine, Netflix and chill, reading, journalling, some run a bubble bath. Before I can rest head to pillow, I have to wind down.

I look forward to this carved out time once I have put the children to bed. It takes my cousin, Jackema, to talk about my wind down routine and how detailed it is. She has become my travel buddy and has seen my commitment to my routine. I admit my routine is extensive and may not be for everybody, but for me it is calming and rejuvenating, it centers me, and prepares me for the next battle. My wind down routine is all about calm and relaxation.

Warm cup of herbal tea.

Growing up, I have memories of my aunt enjoying a cup of hot tea. She would always add a dash of milk. I was a begging child, so her tea would become our tea. One of the things I look forward to now is enjoying a cup of tea with my aunts, uncle and cousin when we get together.

A cup of tea is comforting, reminds me of my childhood, family, while also providing health benefits (digestive, improved sleep, immune boosting). I prefer my tea straight up (if I’m feeling a scratchy throat, I may add lemon and/or honey) outside enjoying the moonlight and the sounds of the night under the patio unless the weather does not allow.


To destress my body, quiet my restless mind, relax the muscles and tension from the day, and prepare me for better sleep, I then do a yin yoga (slow-paced) routine. In this style of yoga, the asanas (poses) are held for longer periods. This helps to really relax the muscle and get deeper down into the tissues and fascia boosting circulation, improving flexibility, and reducing tension. Yoga provides a great way to breathe and come back to yourself and be in the present moment.

Spa-like Shower

I’m talking candles, steam, frequency music; very serene. I prefer a more outdoorsy scent: sandalwood, cashmere, Mahogany; subtle and calming. It should be noted that I am a 4c natural and wear my hair in its natural states most of the time. There is no way this could be a part of my routine with straightened hair, my curl pattern would not allow it.

The ability to enjoy my steam showers played a huge part in me starting my natural hair journey almost 15 years ago. The steam also helps improve my skin care as an additional benefit. The frequency music promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety, calms my mood.

I thank God every day for the luxury and ability to overindulge in running hot water. Maintaining this routine would be a challenge on my month-long RV road trip, but I was able to accommodate as it is important to my mental health and well-being.

Once the day is washed off, my mind and body are relaxed, and I am able to climb in the bed and sleep like a baby. The room is filled with the chosen aromatherapy mixture; the humidifier and diffuser are run nightly. Making sure the room has moisture and is filled with aromatherapy to ease me to sleep as well as control my seasonal allergies.

I give flexibility to change my routine; checking in with myself to see what it is that I need.

For now, this routine soothes, strengthens, and connects me, preparing me for rest and to face another day. My children are aware of my routine and know they are welcome in the bathroom to reap the benefits of the steam when they are feeling stuffy and congested.  They also know they are to be silent.

If you do not have a wind down routine, I highly recommend incorporating something that brings a sense of peace and tranquility to your life each day.

BTW: This time is about me, not them and I have no guilt in that.

We’d love to hear from you. Have you tried any of the aforementioned to relax? What is your wind down routine? Share your favorite herbal teas! Questions?

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